CDWG This Week! Religion and Mask Noncompliance During Covid-19 (11/16/22 @3pm)
Posted: 11/14/2022 (Demography News)
The Computational Demography Working Group will host Junhe Yang’s (Sociology) presentation “Political and Educational Dynamics in Religious Group’s Mask Noncompliance Under COVID-19” [For more details visit here]. This study investigates the mediation effect of conservative political ideology on the relationship between religiosity and the noncompliance of masks under COVID-19, and the moderated effect of education on the mediation relationship. Using nationally representative data from COVID-19 and Social Distancing Survey, a moderated mediation analysis is applied to examine the pathway from religiosity via political conservativeness to the noncompliance of masks, and the interaction effect between years of education and political ideology. A logistic regression model is used to investigate each path in the mediation analysis. Results suggest that controlling for socio-demographic background, religiosity positively drives mask noncompliance. Further, findings confirm that political orientation is not only an established predictor of the polarized public support of masks as found in existing studies, but is also a key mechanism by which religiosity positively predicts mask resistance. Finally, education is associated with stronger political polarization of public opinions on masks during the pandemic.
Date: 11/16/2022
Location: Hybrid: In person Raitt 223 – The Demography lab or Zoom: